Guidelines for Abstracts

Abstract Submission Deadlines

Submission Deadline

10th March 2024

Notification of acceptance

31st March 2024


  • At least one of the co-authors needs to be registered for the conference.
  • The registration ID received on confirmation of registration is required for submitting the abstract.
  • The same registration ID can be used for submitting multiple abstracts.
  • Confirmation of abstract submission and notification of acceptance will be sent to the email linked to the above registration ID.
  • Please submit a single page (including title, authors, and affiliations), single column abstract in PDF format.
  • Use Times New Roman font (size 9 or above).
  • Up to 5 figures and/or tables (Embed figures and tables within abstract)
  • Suggested format
    • Background
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Reference
  • Top abstracts will be given merit certificates and cash prizes.